Saturday, September 27, 2014

You are not a product.

    Every time we use an online product, we become the target of  an ad that is specifically tailored to our likes and interests. We have websites throwing themselves at us with flashy GIFs and videos to keep our attention on them. Some even utilize sound in the form of auto-playing videos or songs (a tactic which I find to be extremely obnoxious.)
    Many of these sites, whether it is Google, Facebook or some other website, use data about you to make their results "fit" better to what you will be interested in consuming. Through their lengthy terms of use, which no one with any sanity reads, they tend to give themselves the permission to share, sell and use your data. There are many new products which are coming out to combat this, for example the website: Terms of service; Didn't read simplifies the terms of service for many websites into simple bullet points through crowd sourcing. On the other hand you have products such as the AdBlock extension for browsers which eliminates many ads from your websites.
    In July a new social network, Ello, came out with an invite only system. Their motto was that you are not a product and should not be forced to use a service such as Facebook. Most recently the social network gained more members as "LGBT refugees" migrated away from Facebook. But whether Ello will remain the way it is after the obscurity fad passes remains to be seen. Regardless of what Ello says though, you are a product.

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