Friday, October 16, 2015

The Future of Information Technology

Information technology is the utilization of computers, storage, networking, and other devices as well as infrastructure and specific processes that create, process, store, and secure all forms of electronic data.  The integration of Information technology has made large impacts and touches nearly all aspects of our lives from the way we work, to the way we communicate, to the way we socialize with others.  With technology constantly evolving it is intriguing to consider what the future holds for information technology. 

The future of information technology is being concentrated on the advancements and integration of brand new technologies.  These new technologies are: cloud computing, artificial intelligence, mobility, big data, robotics, internet of things, and cyber security.  Cloud computing is the use of using a network of remote servers connected to the internet which manage, store, and process data without the use of a local server or personal computer.  Cloud computing is helping to drive down costs as data centers can be made smaller since much of the hardware can be reduced.  Big data and data analytics is an ever growing field as computers continue to generate more and more information that needs to be analyzed.  The Internet of Things is the network of physical objects embedded with electronics and software with enables them to connect and exchange data.  This field is also quickly growing to enable the connection of all aspects of industry. 

While all these technologies are making major advancements on the world of information technology and providing to solutions to getting things done faster and more efficiently they are bring issues to our society.  These technologies bring increase risks to individual privacy, allow for new methods for criminals to steal information, and overall cause society to question how safe and secure our private data can possibly be with these new solutions.  With cloud computing, security is an issue as a service provider may access the data on the cloud at any time and could alter the information stored there.  Information leakage is another major issue with cloud computing as information from one user can be given to another.  With the Internet of Things, while it is becoming a vital part of today’s world, it also presents issues of security on society.  Cyber criminals would be able to infiltrate private networks and gain access to sensitive information on the devices.  This can allow hacking into devices, such as cars for example, where an individual would be able to take over control of a vehicle from a remote location.  So while these technology advancements introduce great solutions to providing a more efficient world of information technology we also must be conscious of the risks to come along with them.

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