Sunday, November 10, 2013

Thesis: Analog vs Digital

I am currently working on my thesis for my Art major, and I was wondering if I could get a little help in the form of your opinions. 

For my senior thesis, I have decided to explore the reasons why analog film has been able to survive the digital age that we currently live in. It is clear that film manufacturers have struggled, but despite these struggles photographers continue to go to great lengths in order to obtain the much desired film. Through this research, I hope to find the reasons why many photographers, professionals and amateurs, continue to use film. 

What experience have you had with digital photography vs analog photography? Which do you prefer? 

If you have not had many experiences with photography, in what other areas have you experience a comparison in digital versus analog? (Such as music, literature, etc.)

Any comments would be much appreciated! Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. You should watch Side by Side. It's a documentary about the difference between shooting with film and digital. - it's also on Netflix.
