Friday, November 8, 2013

Same Sex Marriage

Same Sex Marriage

I watched this video (link below) called 'Kids React to Gay Marriage'. In this video children from the ages of 5 - 15 watched two marriage proposal. One was a marriage proposal between two men and the other was a marriage proposal between two women. The interviewers watched these subjects watch the video, recorded their reactions then asked them questions. All of the children except for one of the children were for same sex marriage. The one child that wasn't for it was the youngest of the group and of course couldn't express why he wasn't for same sex marriage but you have to assume it's because of what he has been taught. There were several questions that were asked but three questions and responses stood out to me.

1. Tradition says marriage is for a man and a woman, so should it be that way?

Well we used to burn witches and enslave people for their skin color, so if we are following "traditions" why don't we just bring all  of that back and while we are at it let's go back to living under British ruling because as Americans we don't break tradition. (sarcastic tone). The interviewers expressed to them that many people felt this way because a man and a woman are made to make babies. Many of the children without second thought said well adopt. I feel the same way if you bring up this issue then you must think about all of the people that can't have children, should they not be allowed to get married? Also we have procedures in the world that allow you to castrate yourself. Surely if we live in a world that cares so much about procreation these procedures would be illegal. 

2. What if people are given the same rights but they are just not allowed to get married?

Most of the kids reactions were well it's a start but it's not the same. The felt this was because they were still being limited. Several people even brought up the issue of separate but equal issue between blacks and whites. I have my own thoughts on this but I can't really make a decision on how I truly feel about it until the next question is answered scientifically, which is....

3. Do you think people are born this way?

All of the children said yes some people are. Now the reason I held of my argument until this question was brought up was because of the separate but equal question that was mentioned in the video. People of color were segregated because of something in which they had no control over, their genetics. This brings me back to my views on same sex marriage. Are people truly born gay, is there a "gay gene" ? If their is I believe people will start to look at the issue differently because one of the reason we said separate but equal or not having equal rights was wrong was because we are all human, we are all the same and we don't discriminate based on uncontrollable factors such as genetics.  Your race, skin color , etc isn't something that is chosen for you. So if you are born a certain way "white", "black", "gay" or whatever, then my feelings for this is you shouldn't have your rights limited. 

Kids React to Gay Marriage:

Same Love:

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