Thursday, March 26, 2015

A New Addition to the Family...

       Back in the day, it was normal to say that most houses had a piano.  Or a pet.  Or night table with a lamp.  But now, it seems we're on the road to having just your run of the mill personal family robot.  This robot named 'Jibo' talks to you like a person.  It gives you friendly reminders, can turn things on and off, take pictures, read to children, and perform many other hands-free commands.  But is this all really necessairy?
       Sure, its convienent.  But with the amount of technological items we have that take over tasks we used to perform on our own, do we really need more?  We already have everything that this robot can do right on our phones in the palm of our hands.  Why do we need to spend hundreds of dollars on the same product in a different shape?
       Also, since when does having a robot read to your kids sound appealing?  You should want to read to your own child.   I don't see a point in having kids if you don't want to take the time to raise them.  We keep looking for answers with things we can make.  But what we should be working out is what we can fix within all of us as a society first.   There's really not much else you can say about this robot in reference to its specifications because they don't really exceed what many other standard devices today can do.  We are funding this project that people are already lined up to order it and I truly do not understand why.  There are bigger issues we could be focusing on, raising money for, and spending time on.  At what point are we crossing the line here?

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