Monday, November 17, 2014

Google kind of IN SPACE

Remember the phrase “Big Brother is watching,” well this project Loon from Google continues that idea. This is another of those double edged swords that Google loves to give to people, they will give a product that improves our life but. BUT, they will use us using that tool to create more ad revenue. That last sentence is a bit cynical of Google, but do not get me wrong many of the things that Google does are amazing and the benefit of using them greatly out weighs the concerns of privacy, if that really even exists anymore, and security, clearly shown not to exist anymore hello Home Depot and you other lumbering behemoths of yesteryear. That is enough ranting but now let us get down to business and talk about this new and amazing product which, hopefully, Google will continue to develop, and if it is not going to be them at least someone to develop.

Project Loon is an amazing idea of using a balloon which has similarities of weather balloons to carry a device, around 12 miles into the atmosphere, which will then talk to other weather balloon devices and offer wide area coverage of LTE speed connectivity, about a 600 mile radius. Now compared to cell towers this area of coverage is ginormous, cell towers are limited to any where from 2 to 40 mile radius depending on signal and terrain type. This improvement is huge for low population density areas, such as middle America but this is not the main area for use which Google is likely looking at. It is highly likely that Google will be using this technology to spread internet access to highly remote or underdeveloped area where creating infrastructure to them means that it is likely that these areas would not have infrastructure built on the ground to them.

For places in the world, such as sub-Saharan Africa, this could create the first time that they would be able to access the web with ease and with a modern speed. These countries currently have ways to access the internet but they are seriously lacking, even the sub-Saharan countries that are seen as the most developed have a huge gap in internet access than the rest of the developed world. Hopefully Google will continue to develop towards this goal of spreading internet access to less developed areas of the world. Hopefully with deployment of this could lead to people who have been impoverished and controlled to question those in controll and create a better future for their countries, much like the events in Arab Spring, Moldova and other of the recent social movements.

The recent occurrence in Australia with project Loon creates hope for this technology in the already developed world. It would lead to further coverage of LTE networks in places such as America, where for many this would be faster than their wired connection to the internet. Even if it is not Google but one of the cellular providers to roll out a technology similar to this it would be highly welcomed. A lot of this will be determined on how well Google's agreement to use this technology with an Australian cellular provider goes, hopefully project Loon will not be muddled with lack of progression as Google Fiber has been here in America. I doubt that this will go the same route as Fiber since this is a much cheaper infrastructure to develop and maintain, the only issue may be from the FAA. Will Google create their own cellular service, and if they do will they challenge the NSA for king of the data goldmine?

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