Monday, April 27, 2015


This is a blog about blogging, how meta... Blogs are an interesting concept, they let us communicate larger pieces of thought (but smaller than a publication or article), but many implementations of them are limited.  Each post is stored in chronological order which is useful only if you wish to read the entire history of the blog.  This makes sense if each post follows from the last for some reason but this is often not the case, especially in a blog with multiple users like this one.  The way most blogs try to fix this is with tags.  Tags are like saying, it doesn't really belong to any one thing its just about this bunch of things.  To a company like Google tags are the best thing since sliced bread because they make search indexing a breeze - but for anyone who doesn't really know what they are looking for (can you believe that actually happens) this concept falls very short.  Often I would like to be able to see a blog broken down by subject content - in some form of hierarchy that is easy to dive into and find interesting content.  It is the same as with many new reference applications - sometimes reading a book from front to back is actually the best way to make associations and understand the material - sometimes I don't want to have to know what I'm looking for before I get to the resource, otherwise why even bother.  I like to think of this as structured reading - something blogs severely lack.  It almost ties back into the notion of the switch tasking mind, people are forced to leap from place to place rather than being led or guided to the next item either by interest or relation.

The concept of the blog has much more to offer, I can see room for it in programatic documentation.  Developers hate to write documentation - but if you could just rant for a little bit on concept or piece of code (keeping to the point of course) and read someone else's rant - things would be much more interesting.  Coupling these short blurbs with the normal wiki style hierarchical setup seems like a powerful concept - no more long dry content about every little detail of code - just share ideas, implementation details are implementation details, they hardly belong in an API let alone a wiki.

Let me know your thoughts on this concept.

Please up-vote the meta!

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