Sunday, December 1, 2013

Always Be Questioning

            As our society continues to produce new technology at breakneck speed, offering new functionality we may or may not have thought possible, it is important to take a step back and consider the implications of each technology we adopt. We vote on the technological landscape of the future every day, with our dollars and with our opinions, and our votes should be as informed as it is possible to make them.
Examining only the surface level makes it difficult to get a full view of what a technology’s full implications are. Companies will always be attempting to market their products, offering only the positives of each, encouraging naïve optimism about each new phone or TV. Their outlook may be true, but it is only one side of the full truth. What we, as consumers, must do, is take time to think about the full picture. Often, we will fall into the mindset of not questioning new ideas, new innovations, but it is important to break out of this mindset. When we look deeper into products we can assess the ethical and social effects for ourselves, rather than letting a biased party tell us only what they want to.
            Becoming educated on new technology assists us not only in choosing products that are consistent with our lifestyles, but also in assessing the ethicality of a given new technology, and conveying our opinions to perhaps shape the future. As we forge ahead, more and more advances have the potential to alter our lives in significant ways, whether we opt for the technology or not. Looking deeper into these advances and voicing our opinions can lead to a world of tomorrow that is based on informed opinions and represents the will of more people.
            It may seem that we are unable to affect the products that roll out and the technology that becomes prevalent, but this is not the case. As a recent example, we have seen Microsoft change multiple important features of their Xbox One gaming system after public outcry against it. Each person who makes an informed decision brings us closer to a positive outcome. Sure, we may never reach a place where technology accurately represents the will of the people, but we can certainly do better than we are now.
Allowing any technology that pops up to make its way into mainstream life without questioning it is a poor way to do business. Ordinary folk should be aware of the consequences of new discoveries and inventions, and should voice their own opinions on how and if these inventions should be utilized. The better informed that we are as a people, the brighter our technological future will be.

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