Friday, November 22, 2013

The Last Post

What Do You Want to Be Remember For

What Have You Done So Far? 

I spend a lot of time mindlessly browsing the web and even less time being productive. As I was mindlessly browsing again I came across a blog called "the last post", link included below.  A man with cancer wrote a post about his life and things he would miss out on after he died. He seemed pretty content with his life up until now and only wished he had more time to live. After reading this blog I started reflecting on my life choices and actions.  I asked myself, "If I knew when I would die would I change my behaviors to accomplish what I want to accomplish in the future now or would I just continue through life taking each day for granted? " I probably wouldn't. I'm currently a 4 out of 5 student studying computer science. I am the first generation from my parents to go to college and I have accomplish quite a lot along the way. I didn't have any programming experience before I went to college so I made the necessary steps to gain experience. I went to a high school that was geared for healthcare and business, but I wasn't very interested in these areas so I started a robotics club and an information technology internship.This was definitely the starting point of my career. Some may say these are barely accomplishments but they are to me. If I didn't make these steps it would've been very difficult for me to gain work experience in the computing field and continue working to toward my goals. 

What Are Your Goals? 

I would like to help the whole world but in reality this isn't going to happen so I settled for helping a select group of people, people in need of healthcare assistance. There is so much potential in healthcare and nothing will give me greater satisfaction that knowing that I made a product that will be able to touch thousands if not millions of people,  affecting their lives in a positive way. If I "wasn't scared" meaning could just drop all of my responsibilities without thinking about the consequences of my actions I would drop out of school, get a team of biomedical engineers and programmers together and work on my healthcare project that I have planned out. This project would be my one professional project that I would like to contribute to this earth.

The Last Post:

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