Friday, September 20, 2013

Would Steve Jobs be Proud Now?

Steve Jobs was the entire brain and power of Apple Inc, and it is sad to know that the company will never be the same since. If he were still alive today, what do you think the standpoint of the company would be? I have looked up to Steve Jobs; his method of running a company, and his way of directly telling people that he thinks their ideas are complete trash. Thoroughly and enjoyably reading Walter Isaacson’s biography of Steve, I have become a follower and I was incredibly proud of everything he has done for the company and this technological generation. I honestly believe that if there were no ‘Steve Jobs’ in the world, our state of technology would have been extremely far behind. Think about it… Just look at the phone in your hands, and it doesn’t matter if you have an iPhone, Android, HTC, Microsoft, or any other kind; they all have at least a couple of things in common because all of these phones were made by trying to out beat the standard of the last phone. It is all about competition and ‘stealing’ each other’s ideas. When the iPhone first came out in 2007, Apple has set the bar so high that all of the other companies had to climb mountains to reach the stages that Steve was at. It is incredible to think about how such brilliance can come from a company like this.

Think about every single year since 2007 up until when Steve Jobs was well and healthy, every time a new iPhone came out, a new operating system, or a new MacBook, there was always something that struck the public so hard, we were all appalled by the new features available to us in the palm of our hands. I remember watching the videos with Jony Ive, and just the way he was describing the brilliancy yet simplicity of each new feature of an apple product with pure love and passion.

In the unfortunate circumstances that Steve Jobs is no longer with us, I have this feeling that the company has not done anything completely remarkable ever since. I am one of those people who think that Steve Jobs was the heart and soul of the company, and for the past two years, I have not said “WOW!” to any new Apple product. But this is just my point of view. There are many people today who are raving about the new iPhone 5s and 5c that came out a couple of days ago, or even about the new iOS 7. (Personally, I’m still loving my personalized Jailbroken version of iOS 5.) Steve Jobs was a very strict leader, and if something didn’t suit him, there would be no way it would pass to be on an Apple product. He worked on perfection, which ends up working extremely well in the end.

This is an interesting article of Tim Cook, the ‘boss’ of Apple currently, and how he is trying to live up to Jobs’ potential. Unfortunately that is extremely hard to do.

            We all know that Steve left Apple a pipeline of innovative products for several upcoming years, and I am extremely glad to hear Walter Isaacson saying “We are not seeing them yet.” I don’t believe that the new 5s and 5c is what Jobs had in mind when he wanted to leave a legacy. I will still be waiting for the day that I can once again be amazed by an Apple product (which I hope will come soon.)  

(Oh, and also... Steve had a great sense of style throughout the years!)


  1. I completely agree with you on this one. While I'm not an Apple fanatic I did appreciate the vision Jobs had and the innovations he would come out with every year. I do own a few Apple devices (iPad and Macbook Pro) and I will say they are much most reliable than some of my other devices but I like to keep myself balanced with technology so I also own an Android and Windows products.

  2. I recently upgraded my iPhone 5 to the iOS 7 and I must say that it's amazing! Even though, I heard many complains about how laggy it makes the iPad and iPhone 4 after the upgrade, I felt that it was time for a change. Boy, I wasn't disappointed at all with the new iOS 7. It's smooth, clean and beautiful. If I had an iPhone 4S, the only reason I would jailbreak my phone is to have all the added functionality that the new iOS 7 now offers. With the upgrade, I haven't found a reason to jailbreak my iPhone 5 (I know there isn't a jailbreak yet).

  3. While I agree that the first iPhone did open the door to the world of smartphones we know live in, I would be lying if I said that I have been excited for any of Apple's product launches. Personally, I have found Apple's products to be bland and repetitive. Relying more on the public's idea that "if its made by apple it must be great" than on actually improving their product as much with each iteration as their competitors have.

    You stated that you have not said "WOW!" to an apple product in a while. It may have less to do with the absence of Job's guiding hand and instead be that the products apple has been releasing over the years haven't changed. Until iOS 7, the look and feel of iOS has not changed much, this was done intentionally to provide users with "a consistent experience". Consistent means things are not changing, and people grow bored when things do not change. Hopefully with iOS 7, Apple will start pushing boundaries again. It would push the entire market to improve, benefiting everyone.
