Sunday, August 31, 2014

Thoughts on NSA surveillance

Edward Snowden, a former American technical analyst who work in Central Intelligence Agency, told us about PRISM program and XKeyscore plan. “One that gathers U.S. phone records and another that is designed to track the use of U.S.-based Internet servers by foreigners with possible links to terrorism.”(KIMBERLY DOZIER) PRISM program is launched by National Security Agency in 2007. PRISM program is essentially a data mining project, where the data is gathered from nine big internet company. PRISM program can monitor email, message, video, picture, documents, video chat and social network. XKeyscore plan is another monitor and control program, which is carried out to monitor people’s online activities. Edward Snowden leaked classified information from National Security Agency, because he wanted to let people know that the government is monitoring them.

Edward Snowden believes that the USA National Security Agency should not monitor people, because it violates people’s privacy rights. National Security Agency can draw out a complete picture about a person, but this is done without regards to one’s privacy. People are given the right to have their own spaces and secrets, even if they are online. Normally, people feel uncomfortable when they are being monitored by other people; they would demand personal space and privacy. But now, NSA is monitoring the citizens on a great scale, so who would feel comfortable? In addition, while the government monitors people’s cellphone and email, business conversation and transactions are also involved. Thus, business secrets are compromised, because companies’ phone and email communications are monitored. For example, a person creates a strategy to trade stock, and he talks with his coworker about the strategy. If this strategy is eavesdropped and end up in wrong hands, that person’s work is in vain.

On the other hand, the American government agency said that the program is an efficient way to identify potential terrorists and engage them. By using the surveillance system, law enforcers can locate terrorists, listen to their conversations, and catch them, thus protect people from terrorist attack. According to Associated Press, a NSA director said in 2013 that the surveillance programs have foiled some 50 terrorist plots worldwide. 

Some people think Edward Snowden betrayed his country, because he disclosed the secret of important anti-terrorist programs. However, it is just for Edward Snowden to stand out and talk, because it is true that the programs violate people’s lawful rights and privileges. He conducted a brave act, speaking the truth even though he knows that he would be in danger. Meanwhile, other people in the government, who knew about the programs, simply never say a word.

In conclusion, I share the view of Edward Snowden. People deserve privacy and freedom; they are human being’s natural right. In this sense, a massive eavesdropping project is really not a product of justice. Indeed, a project like PRISM is proved effective in the battle against terrorism. But as far as I am concern, there should not be a system that surveillances citizens, it is against the original purpose of protecting people.

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